First demand for resident cardAll red highlighted items are mandatoryChoose the preferred type of titre de séjourCarte de séjour temporaireCarte de séjour pour séjour de longue duréeCarte de séjour de réfugiéCarte de séjour pour raison médicaleCarte de séjour vie privée et familialePreferred day and time of rendez-vousMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySelect one or multiple daysHoursMinutesDocuments uploadsUpload ONLY original copies of the below-mentioned documents for preparation and electronic file management.Justificatif de nationalitéDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of nationality (Passport, etc...)Justificatif d'état civilDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of civil status (Birth certificate, etc...)Justificatif d'entrée ou de présence régulière sur le territoire françaisDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of entry or regular presence on French territory (Visa entry stamp, sworn statement, etc...)Justificatif de domicile de moins de 6 mois ou attestation d'hébergementDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of address less than 6 months old or proof of accommodation (EDF, Quittance de loyer, etc...)Justificatif d'état civil du demandeurDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of civil status of the applicant (Marriage certificate, etc...)Justification du lien familial et/ou de filiationDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesProof of family ties and filiation (resident card, passport, or consular card of the family members)E-photo (ou photo de signature numérique)Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesE-photo (or digital signature photo)ETR (daté et dûment signé)Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesAdditional InformationAll red highlighted items are mandatoryFacebook MessengerEmail AddressPhone N°Service feesPlease pay a non-refundable guarantee deposit of 80 € to start our tasksConsentAgree to the terms of service and acknowledge the processing of your personal data.Submit